Changing the Google Maps Placeholder

Here’s how you can change your Google Maps Placeholder to match your location, and/or Google Maps style.

First, a quick introduction on how placeholders are set. Video placeholders, like Vimeo, YouTube, and Dailymotion, are downloaded to your uploads folder based on your video thumbnail created for your video. For other services, like Facebook or Google Maps, we serve the placeholders ourselves, but you can change them if you like!

Read more about loading Vimeo privacy-friendly without placeholder.

Changing the style and aspect ratio

Available in Complianz Premium 5.5 onward.

In the Complianz settings, you can choose your aspect ratio and style for your Google Maps Placeholder. Just see what happens!

Changing the to a custom Google Maps placeholder with FTP

Set your Placeholder Style to “Custom” – All placeholders will default to ‘Minimal” and you can now proceed to change per service.

When you upload the files, please make sure of the following:

  • Use .jpg – for better results, maybe try image compression by Shortpixel or Imagify
  • The filename should be google-maps-custom-aspectratio.jpg. You have 3 options;
    • google-maps-custom-500×500.jpg
    • google-maps-custom-1280×500.jpg
    • google-maps-custom-1280×920.jpg

Uploading Placeholder with FTP

You can now upload your custom placeholder to your theme directory. It should resemble this:

You can create your Complianz folder in your theme folder if it doesn’t exist. It should have the same name as your version.

  • /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/complianz-gdpr/google-maps-custom-1280×920.jpg or
  • /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/complianz-gdpr-premium/google-maps-custom-1280×920.jpg or
  • /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/complianz-gdpr-premium-multisite/google-maps-custom-1280×920.jpg

Changing the blocked content notice for all placeholders

As you might have noticed, no pun intended, the blocked content notice is different from the default notice. We chose the default notice to match our placeholders and be visible on video placeholders, whereby the placeholder is unknown.

If you want your own notice, please read this article:

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Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.