Banner Request #2: Bottom to Center

Banner requests are a new series on our website where we show how you can use our banner to make anything you want. These requests are from our users to replicate another banner or add some changes which require some CSS knowledge.
Disclaimer: The banners shown are requested by users, so they might not directly conform to your region’s guidelines. We try to conform with WCAG principles so banners might not fully resemble the exact banner. If you have a request, let us know!

How does it work?

Complianz’s banner is styled with only HTML & CSS, all sourced from a single HTML template and a single CSS file. Changing these templates is pretty simple with an MU plugin. An MU plugin is a file or files in wp-content/mu-plugins/ a folder that can be created if not yet available and is a quick way to add changes “the WordPress way.” You can find the needed files below and copy/paste it to your mu-plugins folder via FTP. You can adjust under Cookie Banner settings if needed.

The Bottom to Center Consent Banner

This setup, the bottom banner that switches to a center banner for preferences, is not a standard in Complianz. The main reason is that these setups are meant for consent tooling that may include all information for the purpose of cookie consent. Complianz’s approach is to serve a minimal compliant banner with additional information in a cookie policy. This way, everyone gets the minimal approach, and whoever is interested can access all information that is required instead of serving a complex banner for all users.  

It starts with the bottom banner, and on “view preferences’ the bottom banner will transition to the center banner with added preferences. NB. The banners do not appear at the same time.

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Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.