Anonymizing IP and Remarketing

When configuring Complianz with the wizard you will be asked the following question:

When you have configured Google Analytics for GDPR (How can be read in this article) you can set Google Analytics before consent. You will need to anonymize IP Addresses from your users to complete the configuration. If you choose Complianz to handle analytics and you have answered the above questions with all 3 checkmarks, Complianz will anonymize IP Addresses for you and add the Google Tracking Code at the same time.

When you are using Tag Manager to add Google Analytics, you will need to add this option yourself. Here we explain the easiest way to anonymize IP addresses.

Using Remarketing and Anonymizing IP addresses

After you anonymized your IP in Analytics, and you configured Google Analytics for GDPR, remarketing through Analytics is no longer available. You will have the advantage of setting Analytics before consent, but sharing data outside of the dashboard and remarketing are no longer enabled, including the ‘smart’ lists with endless possibilities.

But, you can revert to Google Ads for remarketing purposes. As it is a separate dashboard and collection of data, you can set Google Ads Remarketing after consent. We will not go into the specifics of creating remarketing lists and so forth but will show a quick configuration in Tag Manager how to set this up with Complianz. For more about configuring Google Ads, start with the following URL’s

Configuring Tag Manager

After creating the Analytics Tag (with IP anonymized) and the Complianz custom event trigger: cmplz_event_functional you can add the Google Ads Remarketing Tag with the Complianz custom event cmplz_event_all.

Google Ads Remarketing Tag

Google Ads Remarketing Trigger by Complianz

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